Nostalgija sedamdesetih Yuga, Nostalgic seventies Yugoslavia

I heard the song today that made me go back in time when I was a child in the seventies. The time was very different than now, there was no friendship on Facebook, we had real friends, played real games and didn't have to have a protective helmet riding a bike... there was no growing up wrapped in cotton wool.
The song that triggered all of this is Floyd from a film made in 1978 called National Class . The story is about a young man from Belgrade, Floyd, a car racer in the national class, and known also as a true lover. To be moved to the upper class, has to win the important race, and for that he has to defer his military service... If you want to know more you have to see it.

When this move was made I was still living in France with my parents, and Yugoslavia was a good place to live, so my mum and dad returned in 1980 back to Yugosavia, and I had great memories growing up at that time. So here I am now in Australia and I can only enjoy my memories....

Danas me je pesma podsetila vremena kad sam bila dete davnih sedamdesetih godina. Vremena su bila mnogo drugacija. Nismo imali prijatelje na facebook vec smo imali prave prijatelje, igrali smo prave igre i nismo morali da nosimo zastitne kacige dok smo vozili biciklu... mi nismo rasli pod staklenim zvonom.

Pesma koja me je vratila u vreme je Floyd iz filma Nacionalna Klasa iz 1978. Prica je tipu iz Beograda Floyd, trkac automobila u nacionalnoj klasi, koji vazi i za velikog smekera. Da bi presao u vecu klasu treba da pobedi vaznu trku. Evo deo filma gde je cas voznje 30sec.

Kad je ovaj film snimljen ja sam jos uvek zivela u francuskoj sa roditeljima i bratom i sestrom. Tada je Yugoslaija bila lepa zemlja i maji su se odlucili da se vrate 1980. Meni su u secanju jako lepe upomene bezbriznog detinjstava u to vreme. I evo me sad u Australiji gde uzivam u nostalgiji davnih vremena....



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