How many times in one night can I see a tv comercial for protecting animals?? Well almost one every hour! How many times can I see a tv comercial for protecting and fighting against human trafficking?? NONE!! And I have more than 50 channels!! WHY ?? WHY is an animal more important?! WHY IS A HUMAN LIFE OF SUCH A SMALL IMPORTANCE TO GOVERNMENTS AND TV COMPANES?? WHEN DID THE WORLD BECOME SUCH AN UGLY PLACE? THINK ABOUT IT!!
"As many as 200,000 people are trafficked in Europe every year, the majority are women and girls who are forced into prostitution. In Europe, girls and young women are particularly at risk from criminals who promise good jobs or study and then force the victims to be prostitutes. The criminals profit while the girls and women suffer rape and other physical and mental violence. Human trafficking is so common now that it’s the third most profitable criminal activity in the world after illegal drugs and arms trafficking. Victims do not agree to be trafficked – they are tricked - lured by false promises - or forced.
The trafficker takes away the basic human rights of the victim: the freedom to move, to choose, to control her body and mind, and to control her future. Do not confuse trafficking with smuggling. A smuggler will facilitate illegal entry into a country for a fee, but on arrival at their destination, the smuggled person is free; the trafficking victim is enslaved."(QUOTE FROM MTV)
Koliko puta u toku jedne veceri pustaju reklamu na tv za zastitu zivotinja? Svaki sat po jednu!!! Koliko puta u toku jedne veceri pustaju reklamu na tv za zastitu i borbu protiv TRGOVINE LJUDIMA ??? NIJEDNU!!!! A JA IMAM PREKO 50 KANALA!! ZASTO?? ZASTO SU ZIVOTINJE VISE VAZNE??? ZASTO JE LJUDSKI ZIVOT OD TAKO MALE VAZNOSTI VLASTIMA I TV KOMPANIJAMA?? ODAKAD JE SVET POSTAO TAKO RUZAN?? RAZMISLI O TOME!!!
"Svake godine u Evropi biva prodano gotovo 200 hiljada pojedinaca, a većinu ih čine žene i devojke koje su primorane na prostituciju.
U Evropi devojkama i mladim ženama preti posebna opasnost od kriminalaca koji im obećavaju dobre poslove ili studiranje, a koji ih zatim prisiljavaju da budu prostitutke. Kriminalci profitiraju dok se devojke i žene siluju ili dok trpe druge oblike fizičkog i psihičkog nasilja. Trgovina ljudima je danas toliko uobičajena da predstavlja treću najprofitabilniju kriminalnu aktivnost u svetu, posle trgovine drogom i oružjem. Žrtve ne pristaju da budu prodane – one su prevarene – namamljene uz lažna obećanja – ili prisiljene. Trgovac ljudima žrtvi oduzima osnovna ljudska prava: slobodu kretanja, izbora, kontrole sopstvenog tela i duha, i kontrolu sopstvene budućnosti.
Nemojte da brkate trgovinu ljudima i krijumčarenje. Krijumčar će omogućiti nezakonit ulaz u zemlju uz novčanu naknadu, ali je po dolasku na odredište krijumčarena osoba slobodna; žrtva trgovine ljudima je pretvorena u roba." (CITAT SA MTV)
U pravu si, tako malo se o tome govori, sem kada je kampanja, nedelja borbe..i sl.
Dobar post.
Mirjana, I agree with you.
In this time and age, people care more about animals than about human beings. At least 20,000 children die out of hunger in this world - every day, but people are more concerned about the well-being of their pets. I know some people who spent more than 10,000 to medicate their pets, pay for pet surgeries, and what-not, but yet they could care less about millions of women that are raped every day in this world.
I agree... it makes me sick every time I see one of those "animal" ads on TV. This world has lost its moral compass and will probably never again regain it. Shame on them.
Ye, your right. Animal ads on TV asking for money at least one an hour!
And i haven't seen a single ad against human trafficking!
Thank you Emo, Daniel and Colin for comments and taking time to read this post. I am hoping that this will help with making our world a better place.
u pravu si,ljudi jesu roba.
procitah post i pridruzujem se kampanji.
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