Sinoc sam zavrsila sliku "Porodica Sova" za koju sam dobila inspiraciju od slike koje sam uradila prosle godine "Maslacak mace" vidi u mom postu od ranije. Slika nije narucena kao sto je bio slucaj sa macama ali se nadam da ce se prodavac naci i mozda ima sansu da bude koriscen za ilustraciju knjige ili razglednice.

Last night I finished my painting of "Family Nightowls" which was inspired by "Dandy Cats" that I painted last year. You can see in my post below. This painting is not commissioned as the cat one was, but I am hopping that a buyer will come, and maybe it could be used for a book illustration or a postcard.
Kako je slatko!
Pa zaista to je igra čigra. Puna si ideja u ljepoti sjaja i znalačkog otkrivenja. Grehota je ako ne radiš sa djecom ili da ne čuvaš neki prirodni park pun zečeva, sova, sjenica i td..
Prijatelj PESA
Hvala Peso,
Ja obozavam zivotinje ali sutra pocinjem ikonu (na umetnicki nacin) Svete Katarine pa ce za koju nedelju i to biti ovde.
Zaista divno izgleda,moja mama vec godinama sakuplja sove u raznim materijalima,tako da sam bukvalno odrasla u njihovom "okruzenju".
Svidja mi se sto su boje svetle i vesele.
Mirjana I'm sorry if you got me wrong. In 1998 situation in Serbia was "quite" critical especially for the Roma minority. I know this for sure because I was there, and even in 2007 it was not completely changed. I used the word: "civilised" about camps in Italy just because they have electricity, water and someway they are protected by the government.
I have nothing to say about Serbians, because part of my family comes from Kragujevac.
I understand that, but Italy and Serbia are on far apart in regard to economy, and you can do how much you can. Serbia had very hard time, I lived there when the supermarket was empty and in 1998 and we all had hard time.
I don't know when did you last time visit Denmark and I didn't see 1 Roma person here. But "civilised" way here works for immigrants and well masked behind the trees and for me that is wrong. See photo:
I lived in Dk since I was 10 and visited last time in 2004 when my mom passed away.
All is wrong in Dk, all is wrong quite everywhere for immigrants in particular. I live in Italy since years and even italian citizen I'm a stranger in this town.
Здраво Мирјана,
Хвала ти за коментар који си оставила на мом блогу.
Радујем се да видим икону Свете Катарине.
Имаш занимљивих ствари овде. :o)
Велики поздрав,
Very pretty owls and cats in the last post! Also nice introduction to the great culture and heritage of Serbia. NATO and EU made a huge mistake and Serbia was unjustly persecuted in that conflict.
@justdoodleit, I am glad you read my blog and if there is anything you would like to know more feel free to ask. Glad you like my cats and owls, now I am starting to work on ikons and creating Saint Catherine of Alexandria and will publish the photo when is ready.
Mirjana, bog je odlican! Sve pohvale za ovo sto radis!
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