na starom drvenom podu iz kuce koje je iz perioda 1600, slikano je na tradicionalni nacin i oko vrata je slikano tecnim zlatom. Ikona je velicine 45-50cm i na prodaju je u galeriji za sumu od €560, takodje se moze kupiti direktno od mene, posalji email
za dodatna pitanja.

As soon as I had rested from my holiday, I started painting icons again. Here is my latest one that I finished last Friday (the varnish is still wet on it in the final photo). It has been painted on the old wooden floor boards from a house build in 1600... its painted in the traditional method, and the detail around the neck with liquid gold. This icon is about 45-50cm and its for sale in the gallery for €560. It can be also purchased by contacting me directly - please email me for more information.
Konačno! Vidim da si vredno radila, pa se oprašta ovo nejavljanje. Ikona je predivna. Želim ti puno uspeha. Poydrav.
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