White Angel, Beli andjeo

My Icon is inspired by the most famous frescoes in Serbian culture (its also the only one in the world). It depicts an angel sitting in front of the tomb of Christ.

White Angel (Serbian: Бели анђео) is a fresco from the Mileseva monastery, circa 1222-1228 AD in Serbia, Myrrhbearers on Christ's Grave (Mironosnice na Hristovom grobu).

Icon is showing the angel, dressed in white, who greeted the Myrrh-bearing women when they came to Christ's tomb. Sitting calmly, the angel of the Resurrection points out the empty tomb to the holy women, who withdrew in terror on beholding the sight. He then commanded them to tell the disciples that the Lord is risen from the dead. This famous icon is from a wall painting called in that monastery "The Holy Women at the Tomb." This monastery has frescoes by the most skillful artists of that time and belongs to a Latin period in Byzantine art. On the link below is the original frescoes from Mileseva monastery.

Evo i deo deo ikone koju sam zavrsila sinoc, naravno ne treba puno govoriti nasim ljudima o ikoni koja je ne samo deo nase kulture nego i deo nas. Ja sam jako ponosna sto sam ovu ikonu spremila za izlozbu jer predstavlja moje poreklo i prikazuje dancima deo nase istorije.
Za vise informacija o ikoni na linku: http://sr.wikipedia.org/sr-el/%D0%91%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8_%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%92%D0%B5%D0%BE


Миррослав Б Душанић said...

Наша историја и култура су богати, а на нашу велику жалост, заинтересованост Запада за њих мала. Твој мукотрпни рад поприма изглед и већ се да наслутити, да ће још једно твоје дјело
пронаћи пут до љубитеља сакралног сликарства.


emo_serpica said...

Bravo, Mirjana!
Beli andjeo je predivna freska i cesto je gledam "uzivo", posto svake godine, za god. odmor, idem u taj kraj(Zlatibor/Tara/Zlatar/)pa obavezno i u manastir Mileseva.

algerika said...

What I love most about your paintings and what always strikes me the most is your colour composition. It is always soo harmoniously beautiful. It would be wonderful to see these paintings in real life. Also love that they are so big, that would add to the experience of seeing them. I'm excited for you!

Nomad said...

@miro To ste u pravu, ali ja ne odustajem. Heli da znaju ili ne ja cu se predstaviti svojim radom i poreklom sakralnog slikarstva na moj nacin.

@emo ja cu biti u Srbiji u septembru i jedva cekam da vidim ikonu uzivo. Drago mi je da vam se dopada jer sam htela da ikonu predstavim u umetnickom smislu ali prateci tradicionalni metod slikanja.

@Alerika I am glad you like my harmonious colour composition, it reflects me. I hope next time you visit Sweden you can stop via us :)


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